Intercultural consulting that drives results.

Our world is marked by complex cultural realities that often result in a fog of confusion and misunderstanding. Get the resources your organization needs to cut through the fog and reach your goals.

Achieve Clarity

Gain Understanding

Get Results

The challenges of intercultural engagement

The complexities of race, power, ethnicity, and culture are dynamics that many organizational leaders recognize as a part of their context. However, in making the leap from recognition to operational effectiveness many leaders find themselves in a dynamic that is often confusing, leads to misunderstandings, and regularly frustrates the organization’s best efforts.

Very few organizations employ the necessary energy and resources to navigate these dynamics leading to problems such as:

  • A focus on surface-level concerns while missing what’s below

  • The team experiences confusion that stunts communication

  • Misunderstandings between team members hurt relationships

  • Invisible “camps” form around shared cultural values

  • A sense of belonging comes into question

  • Only certain players have a seat at the table

  • The organization begins to fight against itself, wasting precious resources in the process

We believe every organization can successfully navigate the complexities of intercultural engagement and experience differences as assets that drive results.

Our team of experienced intercultural consultants provides essential tools and resources that will equip you to achieve your goals.


  • You will be seen, heard, and engaged.

  • Your best interests are our priority.

  • Your goals and objectives will be at the center of our service and execution.


  • The breadth of our work spans three continents and 30+ years of partner relationships. 

  • With successful engagements with non-profits, for-profits, and government entities, we know how to help you get the job done.


  • You will receive tools and resources unique to the needs of your organization.

  • Trend and data analysis and organizational and industry reviews will be utilized.

  • You will be positioned to reach your goals.

Our Services

  • In order to move forward you must first identify where you are. You will discover where you are on an intercultural continuum, allowing you to base your goals on reality.

  • After completing the cultural assessment, together we craft a unique plan to develop the intercultural skills necessary to achieve your organizational objectives.

  • Ongoing coaching is available to clients who engage in their intercultural skill development process. In ongoing coaching, you will receive regular feedback, evaluation, and engagement.

  • Senior leaders will be further developed via two-day intensives. These in-depth environments will provide refined experiences and additional skill sets.

Working with us is simple


Schedule a Call


Complete our Cultural Assessment


Begin Intercultural Development & Get Results

We work with a variety of organizations

  • Individual Consulting

  • Businesses

  • Nonprofits

  • Churches

  • Civic Groups


Schedule a call now and let’s get to work.